News Item: New LDS Musical involving the Czech Republic!!
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Yes, you read that headline correctly. I am posting this as information to all of the Czech and Slovak missionaries to tell them about the musical that I have been working on for a couple of years now. It's finally ready for production in Aug/Sept. 2009!
We all have heard the stories about the (South American) missionaries going out and baptizing congregations, but what about the European missionaries? What about those that go out every day for two years and have little to no conversions? They work just as hard and see no "success" so to speak, but they keep at it.
MISSION, The Musical! Is the story of a young man and his mission to the Czech Republic and how he learns about the power decisions, determination, and resolution.
I hope everyone will take the time to visit the website and learn more about the show, and most importantly come and see it!
Here is the link:
From there you can make reservations and learn more about the show. It is definitely worth seeing and will be a show you won't forget.
Thanks for reading!
Jed Christensen (Czech Republic/Slovakia 99-00)
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