Posted by Roberto Alfonso Reyes on March 20, 19100 at 07:47:13:
In Reply to: Re: mail in the Dominican Republic?? does it ever come?? posted by Chad Murdock on March 06, 19100 at 11:19:44:
: I just received a letter from the DR to Idaho and it took about 8 days. Hey Guti, since when did they get rid of the pouch system. How do they do it now? That is crazy. They had a great system.
: Chad
: : : I am really wondering if anyone knows how long on average it takes a letter to get to Utah from Dominican Republic...Santo Domingo...if you have any info, please write back
: : Well, bro:
: : I am a dominican returned missionary who actually worked at The Dominican Post Institute after I was done w/my call.
: : I can assure that any letter sent from the DR to Utah or any other state within the United States would take, at the most, 15 days to reach its final destiny.
: : As you know, the Pouch is history, so you need to start relying and trust in the dominican mail service.
: : Sorry, dude....
: : Take care,
: : Rafael Gutierrez
: : (El Guti)
Hi! I am a member from San Geronimo Stake in Santo Domingo, I served a mission when there was only a mission, and on that time the pouch did not exist. Anyway we had a good mail service system here, I remember that a letter from within this country took 2 or 3 days to arrive, and from and to USA took 5 to 8 days, no matter it came or went from or to Miami, California, Washington State or whatever the place may be, now the service still the same or better.
Roberto Reyes