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Elder D. Judd Curtis Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Michael D. Stirling (1986 - 1988) | Marshall B Romney (1988 - 1991) | Sirvió: 1987 - 1989 | Áreas: Dajabon, Tenares, Bonao, Imbert Pto. Plata, Tierra Alta, Moca, Salcedo, Office | Compañeros: Oscar David Amparo | Robert Ortiz | Moisés Daniel Rodríguez Rudas | Trabajo: Management Consultant & Faculty Univ. of Phx | Esposo(a): Helen Dawson | Comentarios: Hi Everyone! Reciban mis saludos! After the mission I attended BYU then went to Grad school in AZ (ASU and Thunderbird) where I met my wife Helen. We now have three kids Cannon (6), Ashton (5) and Lindsay(2). We have moved around quite a bit . . . Phoenix, El Paso, Indianapolis, St. Louis and now Tucson, AZ. I have most recently served as Bishop's Counselor and Ward Mission Leader.
I went back to the DR with my wife in the Summer of 2000 and had the time of my life!
I would love to exchange e-mails with any of you that know me. |
Creado: 06 Jul 2003 Modificado: 14 Mar 2004 |
Última entrada: 08 Sep 2004 05:47:40 PM |
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