Elder Brent Kjar Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Ramon Antonio Alvarez (1994 - 1995) |
Served: 1994 - 1996 |
Areas Served: Manta, Flor de Baston, Oficina, Guasmo, Pedro Carbo, Santa Elena |
Companions: Daniel Kenneth Lunt | Fabián Vallejo |
Your Occupation: Hardware Implementation Mgr |
Spouse: Ruth |
Comments: Well, as of Nov 2003 I've been married five and a half years, have two kids (Girl-Drew 4 yrs, Boy-Tanner 1 yrs). We moved into our new home in Clearfield Utah three months ago. I've worked for a software company in Salt Lake for the last three years which keeps me on the road a lot (like now I'm currently in Alaska). My wife Ruth works from home for the same company and really enjoys it. I just found out I live next to Elder Joe Ponczoch's sister the other day. I would really enjoy hearing from anyone. |
Created: 30 Jun 1997 Modified: 29 Oct 2008 |
Last Login: 29 Oct 2008 09:59:40 AM |