| Elder Bryant Powell3701 S. Wickiup Rd. Apache Junction, AZ 85119
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Presidents: Walter Fermin Gonzalez N. (1989 - 1992) | James A. Aulestia (1992 - 1995) |
Served: 1991 - 1993 |
Areas Served: Guayaquil (Malvinas), Milagro, Cuenca, Santa Rosa, and Azogues |
Companions: Wladimir Cañar | Jose Chiza | Michael Haroldsen | Ammon Jones | Carlos Antonio Mora Barba | Nelson Orantes | Travis Price |
Your Occupation: Assistant City Manager |
Spouse: Jenny |
Comments: Jenny and I have three little girls. Their ages are 11, 9, and 5. We have been living in the same location 10 years now. We live in Apache Junction - suburb of Phx./Mesa and I work for the local government in Apache Junction. A year after moving here I was called to be Bishop of our ward. Now I serve as counselor in our Stake Presidency. I was so blessed to have served in Ecuador. I still have a goal to return.
My best to you all. |
Created: 01 Mar 1997 Modified: 25 Oct 2011 |
Last Login: 25 Oct 2011 10:20:08 AM |