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Elder Eric Warner Chambers Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: James Jesperson (1981 - 1983) | John Berge (1983 - 1986) | Served: 1983 - 1984 | Language(s) spoken:english, spanish, french | Areas Served: La Peninsula (Santa Elena, Libertad), La Alborada, Guasmo, and Portoviejo | Companions: Blake R. Larkin | Rick Peterson | Christian "Tex" Turner | Ricardo Villacis U. | Your Occupation: Medical Entomologist | Spouse: Renee | Comments: My companions were Ian Vail,Steve Smith, Bienvenido Reynoso, John Hill, Armando Bucay, David Turley, Rick Peterson, Chris (Tex) Turner, Blake Larkin and Ricardo Villacis. They were all great companions.
Following my mission I graduated from BYU with a B.A. in Spanish/Zoology (1988) and an M.S. in Zoology (1991). I returned home to San Diego and worked as an Environmental Chemist. I earned a PhD in 2006 in Biological Sciences from the University of Notre Dame. From 2006-2008 I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA. I married Renee Jenkins (who coincidentally is the sister of a former Guayaquil missionary-David Jenkins) in 2002 in the Nauvoo Temple. We've been blessed with three sons; Benjamin who is 5, Isaac who is 3 and Dylan who is 2.
We now live on the island of Tahiti, French Polynesia where I work as a post doctoral researcher on a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded project that is looking at novel ways of surpressing mosquito populations in order to reduce the transmission of lymphatic filariasis and dengue fever. Sometimes, between the hot, humid tropical climate and the new and unfamiliar language (french) I have flashbacks to the mission! |
Created: 01 Mar 1997 Modified: 26 Aug 2009 |
Last Login: 26 Aug 2009 06:53:52 PM |
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