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 | Elder David Adamson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Pablo Fernandez Valenzuela (1995 - 1998) | Robert S. Gabbitas (1998 - 2001) | Served: 1997 - 1999 | Language(s) spoken:Spanish | Areas Served: Cisne, Machala, Zamora, Centenario, Garcia Moreno, Huancavilca | Companions: Paul Brown | Dan Hunt | Lee A Jenkins | Enrique Mayorga | Charles Noe | James Potts | Aaron Price | Your Occupation: USAF | Spouse: Angela | Comments: Companeros: Orellana, Noe, Burgos, Brown, Andrango, Quiroz, Van Wagoner, Potts, Mayorga, Jenkins, Price, Hunt.
WE FINALLY DID IT!!! Angela and I graduated from BYU - and for me it was just a shade under a decade....alright.... Now we're in Columbus, Mississippi attending pilot training with the Air Force. It is intense. Mississippi isn't quite the tourist destination, but all are welcome. Bailey Camila Adamson (our first) was born on June 6th. She is an absolute joy - we've got more pictures on the website.
July 2008 Update: We're now in rural southern New Jersey - but close to New York and Philly and just a couple hours north of DC. We've had more visitors now - apparently not many people wanted to go to Mississippi. :)
Let it Snow! (somewhere) |
Created: 04 Jun 1999 Modified: 12 Jan 2010 |
Last Login: 12 Jan 2010 05:37:34 AM |
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