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| Sister Melanie Anderson (Lopez) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Pablo Fernandez Valenzuela (1995 - 1998) | Robert S. Gabbitas (1998 - 2001) | Served: 1997 - 1999 | Areas Served: Cuenca (4 mo), Naranjito (2 mo), Machala (3 mo), Milagro (5 mo), Guayaquil (1 mo) | Companions: Rebekah Elizabeth Anthon | Kate Cupps (Butler) | Amie Johnson (Halpin) | Emily Milner (Bishop) | Melissa Ponce | sonia martha Quenallata | Karman Elise Romero (Daney) | Your Occupation: Mom | Spouse: Tracy | Comments: I was blessed to serve with: Emily Bishop, Bekki Anthon, and Edith Jacome in Cuenca, barrio Miraflores; Sonia Quenallata and Kate Butler in Naranjito; Angelica Deodanes in Machala, rama Brisas del Mar; Meredith Clifford and Karman Daney in Milagro, ramas Bellavista and Unidas later united to be rama Bellavista; and Amie Halpin and Melissa Ponce in Guayaquil, barrio Garay. I loved serving with all of you and I love the people we served among!
My husband and I have 2 boys Aidan (3-6-04) and Trevor (3-10-06). They are adorable and bring us joy and happiness every day!
We have a cousin currently serving in the mission (Elder Aaron Bench) and through him I was able to get in touch with a few families. I've been emailing Estefania Orozco from Milagro, she was 6 when we taught her family, now she's 15! She said they have a baby brother now named Angel Moroni -- I think that's adorable!
I'd love to hear from you! |
Created: 18 Jan 2000 Modified: 28 Apr 2007 |
Last Login: 28 Apr 2007 02:43:29 PM |
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