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Sister Janel Parry (Hiss) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: James A. Aulestia (1992 - 1995) | Pablo Fernandez Valenzuela (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1994 - 1996 | Areas Served: La Troncal, Cuenca, Catamayo, Guayaquil(Alborada/Garzota), Pinas, Guayaquil(Central), Centenario, Playas | Companions: Chara L. Allen (Pulsipher) | Misty Mccaig | Jill Mccrary | Christy Parry | Comments: My companions were: Stacey Hollingshaus, Chara Pulsipher, Cheryl Thompson, Brita Brown, Annie Eliason, Brittany Mathers, Liliana Tenorio, Misty McCaig, Alexandra Arostegi, Tricia Hendrickson, Glenda Enriquez, Rosario Ube, Jill McCrary, Lauralee Petersen, Nicole Fisk, Christy Parry, Laurie Tackett, Joanne Durham.
I married Jason Parry (from Mt. Pleasant, UT) on March 14, 1998. We have two beautiful children-a two year old and a one year old. Alyssa Michelle was born Dec. 1, 2000 and Justin Trevor was born Apr. 1, 2002. I am a private piano teacher. I currently have 16 students that range in age from 5-17. I really enjoy teaching. I also make and decorate wedding cakes. I really enjoy doing that, also. My husband is the distributor of the Salt Lake Tribune and The Deseret News for Sanpete, Sevier, and Wayne counties. He served a mission in the Peru-Trujillo mission. We both try to keep up as well as we can with our spanish. If you served with me, please write to me and I will do my best to keep in touch. |
Created: 19 May 2003 Modified: 19 May 2003 |
Last Login: 07 Nov 2003 01:06:45 AM |
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