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 | Elder Scott D. Johnson Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: J. Frederick Pingree (1982 - 1985) | Sirvió: 1983 - 1984 | Áreas: Ventanas, Quito Sur (Santa Ana), Esmeraldes, Otavalo | Compañeros: Jeff Fasan | Steve Kupferer | Trabajo: International Financial Mgr. | Esposo(a): Sharon | Comentarios: Companions: Thomas Eads, Steven Kupferer, Steven Hurst, Jimmy Gomez, Donny Carlson, Rodney Thompson, Doug Jackson, Jeff Fasan, Rocky Carillo, Joseph Griffen, Roger Child, and Bruce Michelsen.
Married Sharon Jensen in the Chicago Temple (5/86). We have three children: Tyler (7/92), Danielle (8/95), and Lindsey (11/96).
Graduated from BYU in 1988 with a B.S. in Finance & graduated from DePaul University in 1992 with an M.B.A. in Finance.
My list of church callings held includes: ward and stake Y.M. programs (including scouting), ward mission leader, assistant ward clerk, Spanish gospel doctrine instructor, E.Q. president, 1st counselor in the bishopric, stake high councilor, English gospel doctrine instructor, and now ward clerk. Sharon is teaches relief Society.
I owe my career to my mission. Since Ecuador I have been multiple times to Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and South Africa. My Spanish is still fluent and I have become conversant in Portuguese. |
Creado: 27 Mar 2001 Modificado: 16 Feb 2019 |
Última entrada: 16 Feb 2019 05:39:23 PM |
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