Elder Erik James Aulestia Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Fred W. Nelson (1987 - 1990) |
Sirvió: 1988 - 1990 |
Áreas: Tulcan, San Camillo (Quevedo), Quito, Latacunga, Cayambe (Otavalo) |
Compañeros: Mauricio Cornejo | Ryan Petty | Richard Prado | Scott Warner |
Trabajo: architect |
Esposo(a): Roberta Childs |
Comentarios: September 4, 1990: Married Roberta Childs (California Anaheim Mission, Spanish-speaking) June 1994: Completed Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at Utah State University
Current: Working on thesis for a Master of Architecture and Urban Design at Washington University in St. Louis. Working for the St. Louis Development Corporation, Urban Design Department
Children: Jarom Erik Aulestia - 4 yrs. old, Emma Catherine Aulestia - 2 1/2 yrs. old |
Creado: 07 Apr 2001 Modificado: 07 Apr 2001 |
Última entrada: 07 Apr 2001 06:09:27 PM |