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Elder Pat Clayton ,
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Presidentes: Charles Howard Cardon (1996 - 1999) | Sirvió: 1996 - 1998 | Áreas: Jucrapa,Usulutan.Los Conacastas,Soyapango. Aguilares,Chalatenango. Chancha Rosa, La Union. SAN MIGUEL,LA PRESITA. Los Lencas, San Salvador.
Elderes Isom, Arriola, Elvir, Diaz, Valle, Juhazz, Wall, Choc, Padilla (de Panama), y BARNUM. | Compañeros: Steven Juhasz | Brent Nephi Wall | Comentarios: I am now seving as a stake missionary in a spanish branch. I love having the chance to feel like I'm on the mission again, but I still miss all my hommies down in El Salvador. |
Creado: 25 Nov 1999 Modificado: 18 Dec 2000 |
Última entrada: 09 Oct 2002 09:28:15 AM |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."