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Elder Gary B LeBaron Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Dixie L. Leavitt (1984 - 1987) | Lawrence Lee (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1985 - 1987 | Language(s) spoken:English | Areas Served: Sheffield, keighley Cleathorps, Darlington, Selby, Barnsley | Companions: Robert R. Hilke Jr. | Robert Parker | Lomand Phillips | N. Carl Spackman | J. Brian Vanwagenen | Your Occupation: Construction Superintendent | Spouse: Patricia LeBaron | Comments: I'm a Journeyman plasterer, Journeyman union plumber, and finally settled in as a Construction Superintendent in the commercial/ Retail industry. I dabble a bit in the realestate market, buying and rehabing homes, but mostly love being home with my family, paintballing, traving, camping, etc.. I have been Married 16 years to my sweetheart Patti, and have three very active, wonderful children. Patti loves crafts and anything that involves creativity. But most of all she loves being at home with the kids (most days). Amy (14), loves playing piano, flute, oboe, soccer and Paintballing with Dad. Bradley (4) love Thomas the tank engine, Hot Wheels, riding bikes and being an active 100% boy. Megan (1) loves cuddling and exploring, getting into what ever her hot little hands can get hold of. I am currently the Asst. Priest quarum advisor and love it! It amazes me how many missionay experiences I draw from in teaching the youth. What a blessing it was to have searved in England and with President and Sister Leavitt the Lee's and the Elders and Sister there. What a testimony I have of the Savior and this work because of those two years. Who would have thought my measly two years would have made such an impact upon my life. I sure didn't but now I do and I look forward to doing it again. I would sure love to hear from old companions and friends I made there. Please write if you have time. Till then God bless you all and our efforts to do this glorious work. With Love, Elder LeBaron |
Created: 16 Jan 2006 Modified: 16 Jan 2006 |
Last Login: 20 Feb 2006 01:36:52 PM |
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