Sister Kristie Aamodt Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kent F. Smith (2001 - 2004) | Ralph J. Marsh (2004 - 2007) |
Served: 2004 - 2005 |
Language(s) spoken:english |
Areas Served: Gainesville Singles Ward, Whitehouse, High Springs, Green Cove Springs, Lake City 3rd, Palatka 1st |
Companions: Amanda Lynn Avery | Natauni Lin Black | Michaelene Cranney | Alyssa Gosselin (Roundy) | Jo Skinner |
Your Occupation: cancer researcher |
Spouse: none |
Comments: I just recently made a very last-minute move to Boston to work in a cancer research lab at the pediatric teaching hospital at Harvard Medical School. After meeting some of my cancer research heros at a conference where I was presenting some of my research from BYU they looked at my resume, offered me a position here and next thing I know I am leaving BYU a semester before I had planned. Despite the suddeness of the move though I am loving it here. It is great to be living in a big city again, and as much as I enjoyed Utah I am happy to be back on the east coast. And despite missing everyone I am excited to move on to new adventures and challenges. So, if you are ever out in New England or if you are just hankering to visit the beautiful northeast just let me know, I love visitors! |
Created: 08 Apr 2007 Modified: 30 Sep 2007 |
Last Login: 12 Aug 2008 01:38:14 PM |