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Elder Brent A. Rose Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Douglas W. DeHaan (1987 - 1990) | Oliver B. Johnston (1990 - 1992) | Served: 1989 - 1991 | Language(s) spoken:English | Areas Served: Lake City, Orange Park, North Jax, Gainesville, Lake Butler | Companions: Michael Carr | Steve Haymore | Your Occupation: Training | Spouse: Allison | Comments: I've enjoyed reading the brief bios, so here's mine: Graduated from Utah State with Masters in Instructional Technology, spent my career to date in semiconductors - first Intel, then Micron. Currently working for Micron in Manassas, VA. The Rockies will always be home, but the east coast has been good to my family.
Married Allison in 2000, have 4 wonderful kids - Evan (5 1/2), Cole (4), Dean (2 1/2), Eleanor (5 months). I've ran the gamut in church callings from SS teacher to EQ to Scoutmaster/Varsity Coach to Exec Secretary (current).
Many fond memories of the mission. Don't see a lot of my companions listed: Taylor, Hunt, Weeks, Rennaker, Hawkins, Lillie, Regusters, among others. Best wishes and a belated hello to all who read this. |
Created: 28 Jul 2008 Modified: 28 Jul 2008 |
Last Login: 28 Jul 2008 09:10:26 PM |
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