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Elder Kayle L. Martinsen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Keith C. Brimhall (1991 - 1994) | President Burke (1994 - 1994) | Jeff J Horn (1994 - 1997) | Served: 1993 - 1995 | Areas Served: St. Pete, Lakeland, Aburndale, Melborne, Clear Water, Naples, Clermont, Sarasota, Etc. :-) | Companions: jim Ellis | Jared W Francis | Matthew E. Jones | Dylan R Kelly | Creighton A King | Russell Loughmiller | Steven James Williams | Scott Michael Wirfs | Your Occupation: Chiropractic Student | Spouse: Jeni "Clark" | Comments: As of April 2001... We have a 1 1/2 Yr. old boy and a Girl on the way!! I am in the Elders quem. Pres. and my wife is in young womens. i had 23 Comps. while out and i dont see any of them on here... If ya read this say Hi.
Update..... Jan. 2003 Have one more on the way... Kyler 3, Amzi 1 1/2, and ?? a girl do in may. I have been called into the bishopric... first as Exc. sec. now as a conslr. my wife is the activties director. Talk about busy... working in construction still, just moved from Estimator to sales and senior estimator with being called into the bishopric!
Sept. 2005 Moved my Family (wife and three kids) to Dallas Texas at the beginning of this year. Going to Parker College of Chiropratic. WOW is it a load. they have taken 4 years and medical school and made a year round three year school.. I take about 90 credits a year...Ugh. Currently serving as sec. to the high preist group leader and my wife just got called as the 1st. counselor in the Primary.
would love to hear from ya, drop me a line!!!!! |
Created: 19 Apr 2001 Modified: 05 Oct 2005 |
Last Login: 05 Oct 2005 06:50:48 PM |
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