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 | Elder Patrick H Cavner Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: A. Sterling Workman (1976 - 1979) | Served: 1976 - 1978 | Areas Served: Plant City, Bradenton, Tampa 3rd ward, Tampa First Ward, Holly Hill, Orlando, Vero Beach | Companions: Steven Fabry | Your Occupation: Systems Analyst | Comments: Since leaving the mission field, I have lived everywhere, or it seems like it. I currently work as a senior systems analyst for an investment management house in Chicago. I live in the suburbs with my children. My oldest just got married on July 4, 2009, #2 son got back from Iraq in Dec 2008 and #3 son is currently serving in Afghanistan.
If there is something to see, I've tried to see it, if there is something to do, I've tried to do it. My life has been full of up's and down's, but my Heavenly Father has been good to me and for this I am eternally grateful. I have been blessed with many acquaintances and a few true friends. A man could not ask for more than this.
I have served as an executive secretary, Sunday School Pres, councilor in the EQ Pres., Ward Mission leader (3 times), Stake and Ward Missionary, HP GL first assistant (3 times), and have taught in Primary (3 times), I love it. It is the best calling a person can have.
Of all the things I have lost in this life, I think I miss my mind the most...
Where the Lord calls, I will go. My current plans include early retirement in the next 18 months and a move to the Provo area. |
Created: 26 Jul 2001 Modified: 17 Nov 2009 |
Last Login: 22 Mar 2017 02:33:47 PM |
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