News Item: Elder Sweeten passed away
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Dear FTM,
I received some sad news last night from President Kendrick. Elder Derek Sweeten passed away on June 18th. He had been sick for the last month. Elder Sweeten was a wonderful friend and will be missed by all. He never missed a mission reunion. I can still hear that wonderful laugh of his. This would be a great chance for those that served with him to support his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time.
Here are the details about his service:
Funeral services Saturday June 23 at 11:00 am at the Fruit Heights 2nd Ward Chapel
901 South Mountain Rd
Fruit Heights UT
Viewing is Friday June 22 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Russon Brother Farmington Mortuary
1941 North Main St (across from Cherry Hill)
Farmington, UT
also a viewing from 9:45-10:45 prior to the service at the chapel
The link below will take you to the obituary at the funeral home.
Kelly Richins
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