Sister Tammy Meyers (Au) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard C. Crockett (1981 - 1984) |
Served: 1982 - 1984 |
Language(s) spoken:French |
Areas Served: Bergerac, Melun, Nogent-sur-Marne (Le Perreux) |
Companions: RuthAnne Day (Snider) | Concetta Jones (Bellantoni) | Lisa Kirkwood | Eve Ellenora Mcanallen (Schmidt) |
Spouse: Bruce K. Meyers, Jr. |
Comments: I got married to my high school sweetheart eight months after returning from my mission. After we were married in the Hawaii Temple in Laie (that's where I'm from)and 9 months after the birth of our first child, we moved to Provo and were there for 3 1/2 years. When my husband was done with school at BYU we moved back to Hawaii, but instead of Laie, we moved to Hilo on the Big Island. We've been living in Hilo since January 1990. Today we have 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys (Joelle-14 yrs., Rochelle 11 yrs., Bruce III-9 yrs., Brandon 4 yrs.) We have been busy serving in the church here in the Hilo Hawaii Stake. My husband served on the stake presidency for 3 years, I was the stake Primary president for 3 years, my husband was the branch president of a single adult branch for 15 months when that branch was closed and he was called to be the bishop of our ward. He has been bishop for nearly 5 years and will be released on 5/28/2000. He is a licensed professional civil engineer |
Created: 31 Aug 1998 Modified: 31 Aug 1998 |
Last Login: 29 Oct 2003 08:58:47 AM |