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Sister Merrilyn Hilton (Moffitt) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: James T. Johnson (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1989 - 1991 | Language(s) spoken:French | Areas Served: le Mans, Mascarene Islands Mission (Feb '90 -Jan '91), St. Denis, St. André, St. Pierre, Quatre Bornes | Companions: Michelle Bretzing (Gadd) | Lisa Hood | Jana Diane Woodbury (Thacker) | Spouse: Roy | Comments: After living in Lancaster, CA for 13 years, I feel part of this small town community. I volunteer for the Girl Scouts in the area including a volunteer managerial position. My daughter Michaela is now 12. She's in sixth grade. My husband, Roy, is enjoying his managerial responsibilities at work. I'm now working part-time in the schools as a Para-educator, assisting with reading programs in six 1st - 3rd grade classes. Life has settled down after the craziness of the past 2 years. I've had very little contact with past mission friends, but I'm hoping all is well. I'd love to hear from anyone I knew at the MTC or in France. |
Created: 31 Aug 1998 Modified: 29 Sep 2006 |
Last Login: 29 Sep 2006 01:58:20 PM |
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