Sister Sharyn Ogden (Collier) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: James T. Johnson (1987 - 1990) | Charles E. Jones (1990 - 1993) |
Served: 1989 - 1991 |
Language(s) spoken:French |
Areas Served: Caen, Cholet, Évry, Torcy / Noisiel |
Companions: Sylvie Narraidoo (Vignes) | Julie E. Schnell (Rogers) | Ghislaine Simonet (Junod) | Shelli Stoddard |
Your Occupation: Life Enrichment Coordinator |
Spouse: Deven |
Comments: Mission seems like a lifetime ago, yet I remember it like yesterday. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. As for me, now--I have been married for 10 years and we have 4 amazing children: Emily (95), Joshua (98), Abigail (00) and Benjamin (03). We have lived in PA for over 5 years. Before that we lived in the UK and I was able to take my family to France to visit part of the mission. I was wonderful! I currently serve in the Primary and love it, and find it a good challenge for me. I often tell stories about my mission to the children in our primary(we have about 60!) and they love to hear them. I am still learning from the experiences I had in the mission field--what a blessing. I would love to hear from anyone I served with. |
Created: 31 Aug 1998 Modified: 25 Nov 2004 |
Last Login: 10 Jun 2006 11:26:10 AM |