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Sister Karen Page (Lund) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard C. Crockett (1981 - 1984) | Served: 1981 - 1983 | Language(s) spoken:French | Areas Served: Bordeaux, Orléans, le Mans, Périgueux | Companions: Anne M. Adams (Wright) | Heather Le Sorensen (Arrington) | Anne Marie Wright | Your Occupation: Entrepreneur | Spouse: Jim Page | Comments: After my mission, I got a degree in economics, went to law school, got married, practiced law in Denver, had two daughters, got a masters in econ, had a son, went to Stanford for a Phd and Masters in business, had another daughter, moved to Laramie to teach at the University of Wyoming, had another daughter, sold a pharmaceutical start up, retired from the university, and am currently raising my children and dealing with Susac's Syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that has rendered me deaf and crippled (hopefully temporarily). We are moving to Provo this summer to be close to my neurologists at the University of Utah and a nicer climate than Laramie. I am daily grateful for the gospel. |
Created: 14 May 1999 Modified: 01 Feb 2011 |
Last Login: 17 Mar 2013 09:47:16 PM |
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