 | Sister Susan Finch (McCowin) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: R. Dean Robinson (1978 - 1981) |
Served: 1979 - 1981 |
Language(s) spoken:French |
Areas Served: Nantes, Le Perreux |
Companions: Vivien Kay (Wood) | Tammy Ladd (Carrier) | Terri Smith (Potts) | Terrie Lee Watts (Chamberlain) |
Your Occupation: High School French teacher |
Spouse: Neil |
Comments: Sometimes life comes full circle. I was recently hired to teach French at our local high school, and I'm having a great time. Andrea and Devin made us grandparents about a year and a half ago. Mathew and Stephanie are both attending our local community college. Michael started high school as a freshman this year. Neil and I (and a group of investors) purchased the golf course about a year ago. So far, in spite of the economy, things are going okay. I had the great occasion to have dinner with Eliane Pratt Carre a few months ago, we taught her and her family when she was about 15. She's doing great! |
Created: 20 Dec 1999 Modified: 01 Sep 2009 |
Last Login: 01 Sep 2009 07:00:29 PM |