Sister Carmen A. Corts (Van Wagoner) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard C. Crockett (1981 - 1984) |
Served: 1982 - 1984 |
Language(s) spoken:French |
Areas Served: Versailles, Bayonne, Rennes, Melun |
Companions: Kari Cullimore (Ellertson) | Joi Lynn Fenton (Hanks) | Carol Seigfried (Harrison) | Elizabeth Williams (Johannesen) |
Your Occupation: Homemaker |
Spouse: Jerry B. Corts |
Comments: We've moved around a little bit. We started in Utah in 1985, then moved to New York in 1990, then on to Washington state in 1996, finally settling here in Boise, ID in 1998. We have five sons and one daughter. Jerry works for Micron Technology and I haven't worked as a nurse, since, Parker, our oldest son was born. Parker is now 18 years old and graduating soon from High School. Ben is 16 almost 17. Heber is 15, Andy almost 13, Haley almost 10, and Garrett 4. We belong to a wonderful ward. We do not live by our families and miss them a lot and we miss you too! |
Created: 29 Dec 2003 Modified: 12 Jan 2005 |
Last Login: 22 Jun 2006 07:26:01 AM |