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Sister Sharon Miller (Wallace) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard C. Crockett (1981 - 1984) | James D. Fife (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1984 - 1985 | Language(s) spoken:French | Areas Served: Orléans, Tarbes, le Mans, Périgueux | Companions: Kathy Plyler (Farrow) | Anne-Marie Siles | Arlene Treuhaft (Davies) | Your Occupation: Student/Homeschool Mom | Spouse: Charles | Comments: After my mission, I went to BYU-Provo for a year, then headed off to BYU-Hawaii where I met my husband, Charles, from New Zealand. We've been married 16 yrs. and have 3 children: Cheyenne, 14; Shane, almost 13; and Chelsea, 11. We've moved around a lot, having lived in Hawaii, Utah, New Zealand, Nevada, and now Minnesota. We're planning yet another move this summer to Wisconsin. I've worked on and off when necessary, but mostly I've stayed home with the kids homeschooling them. I am currently training in medical transcription so I can work part-time from home while still homeschooling.
I loved my mission and am sorry I didn't keep in touch with my companions, so I would love to hear from some of you! |
Created: 03 Jul 2005 Modified: 03 Jul 2005 |
Last Login: 07 Sep 2005 07:10:01 AM |
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