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Elder David Neil Stephensen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Jack Terrell Fuller (1975 - 1978) | Served: 1975 - 1977 | Language(s) spoken:French, English | Areas Served: Versailles, Paris, Nantes, Compiegne | Companions: Paul Eugene Barrus | Karl Bingham | Pierre Bize | Pascal Dufau | Daniel Guerra | Ehret Kowalk | Kenneth Minnix | Kerry Okelberry | Eric Rived | Your Occupation: Healthcare for Homeless Veterans | Spouse: Susan L. Stephensen, MBA | Comments: Graduated BYU in '81; was shocked by the death of FPM Alumni, dear friend and college roomate, Ralph Peterson. Hung out with Howard Mitchell and others @ BYU where I performed with Rock bands: Calcutta, Odessa and (in SLC) the Bachelors. Music continues to be a continual sideline for me--always called as the Ward Organist wherever I go (and the Hymns will never be the same) and perform for people's parties, wedding receptions and nearly every funeral that occurs in the area.
Married Susan Richardson in '98 who brought a ready-made family of two sons and we have two daughters to make four fabulous over-achievers and now have 6 grandchildren.
Residing in Mesa, AZ in the sprawling outskirts of Phoenix where I work as a Counselor to the homeless Veterans at the VA Hospital, counseling with combat Veterans who find themselves homeless d/t the trauma they experienced in combat which we work towards and succeed in resolving so they can paste their lives back together. I love going to work everyday--very fulfulling.
My wife and I auditioned and were selected to join East Valley Millenial Choirs and Orchestra's which is led by Brett and Brandon Stewart. We performed/recorded Brett's amazing oratorio, "Messiah in America" in the Tabernacle, Summer of 201 and it went straight to #1 on Billboard's Classical Traditional charts with the Christmas album, "Oh Holy Night" debuting at #3 in 2012.
My wife's skills were recognized by MCO Management so was chosen as the Executive Director which keeps me busy in support of her executive operations. We have been richly blessed through performing and rehearsing with this amazing choir and orchestra--both my daughters have sung or performed in the symphony for MCO. If you are in East Valley, Dallas, Provo or Orange County, please audition for MCO!
Que Dieu Te Benisse! |
Created: 21 Nov 2006 Modified: 11 Jun 2013 |
Last Login: 11 Jun 2013 02:11:54 PM |
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