John Walker ( wrote the original version of this document titled «Le Truc de Genres», 27 septembre 1993, which is abstracted here with his permission.
For students of French whose maternal language is English, memorization of the gender of each noun they learn is quite tedious. Mr. Walker noticed that most nouns which end in certain letters have uniform genders. Using an Excel spreadsheet he did a study of more than 18,000 French nouns to find the most useful endings to predict the gender of a noun. The results are found below.
By learning the following 40 word endings, you can correctly identify the
gender of 75% of French nouns with an accuracy of close to 95%. These rules
correctly predict the gender of more than 13398 nouns you'd otherwise have to
Masculine Nouns
Except the main noted exceptions, all the words which end with
the letters below are masculine.
Ending #Words %Prec Main Exceptions
-age 964 99% cage plage image nage page rage
-an 104 95% médian maman
-c 128 98% fac
-d 184 97%
-eme 51 90%
-g 83 99%
-i 216 91% merci fourmi foi loi
-in 293 96% main fin
-is 189 93% brebis fois souris oasis
-iste 147 97% modiste liste piste
-k 48 98%
-l 389 89%
-lon 89 98%
-m 156 97% faim
-non 35 97%
-o 186 82% météo dactylo dynamo steno magnéto moto
-ome 50 96%
-r 1556 89% mer chair minceur douceur froideur grandeur
profondeur odeur largeur valeur fleur couleur
soeur peur vapeur erreur horreur cour tour
-ron 73 100%
-sme 407 100%
-t 1976 98% forêt nuit dent part plupart
-taire 34 94%
-ton 65 100%
-tre 195 87% fenêtre huître vitre rencontre montre lettre
-u 332 97% eau peau vertu
-us 100 95%
---- ---
8050 95%
Except the main noted exceptions, all the words which end with
the letters below are feminine.
Ending #Words %Prec Main Exceptions
-ade 128 95% jade grade stade
-aison 37 100%
-ce 500 89% espace crustace exercice bénéfice office artifice
précipice dentifrice armistice vice service
silence prince commerce pouce
-ee 233 89% lycée périgée trophée pedigree musée
-ie 1034 98% incendie périhélie génie foie parapluie
-iere 110 97% arrière derrière cimetière
-ine 277 91% domaine capitaine ciné pipeline moine patrimoine
-ion 1530 97% ion million billion camion dominion lampion
scorpion espion bastion avion
-ite 739 94% trilobite anthracite plébiscite gîte graphite
satellite théodolite comité ermite termite
granite rite mérite site opposite
-lle 303 87% intervalle vermicelle scelle braille mille
gorille vaudeville
-se 533 85% vase malaise suspense sconse opposé exposé gypse
inverse colosse carrosse pamplemousse
-tte 327 98% squelette
-ude 47 94% prélude interlude coude
-ure 339 90% dinosaure centaure kilowattheure parjure murmure
trichosure sulfure/nitrure/...
---- ---
6137 93%