News Item: Joey and Temmy Lemons
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This is from the Lemons.. I got an e-mail from them the other day and thought I would share it with you because so many played a part in the conversion of Joey Lemons.
They give their love... and wanted my companions to know the news. They would love to hear from you... I have their address,e-mail, and phone---just hit me up if any of ya want it!
WE WHERE SEALED !!! in the Atlanta Temple on the 30 of December 2006 and I was guess 30 weeks pregnant with our baby boy (Curtis Glenn) who is due the 23 of February.
I have a feeling that he will come a week early maybe during stake conference because I am all baby and only gained 23 lb so far and I am almost at the end now and eagerly weighting to see how he looks like.
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