Elder Kurt Birchler Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Wolfgang Paul (1988 - 1989) | Edwin Q. Cannon, Jr. (1989 - 1989) | Robert W. Peterson (1989 - 1992) |
Served: 1989 - 1991 |
Language(s) spoken:Swiss German :); German; English; French |
Areas Served: Hamburg-Bergedorf; Luebeck; Hamburg-Altona; Berlin-Dahlem; Berlin-Spandau; Bielefeld; Bremerhaven; Flensburg; Kiel; Braunschweig |
Companions: John Dale Hansen | Tim A. Heaton |
Your Occupation: CFO |
Spouse: Karin |
Comments: Sister Peterson loved to transfer me around, as she was hoping, that afterwards the toilets would be clean ---> believe me, they were.
I have four sons, the oldest is 8, the youngest is 2 years old. I am serving as first counselor in the branch presidency of the Richterswil Ward in Switzerland.
Hamburg is the and only real mission on this entire planet! :).
Presently, I am the CFO of Partners Group |
Created: 22 Feb 2006 Modified: 22 Feb 2006 |
Last Login: 28 Mar 2006 08:20:46 AM |