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Elder Trent W Snyder Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Elijah Cardon (1985 - 1988) | Wolfgang Paul (1988 - 1989) | Served: 1987 - 1989 | Areas Served: Braunschweig, Rensburg, Stadt Hagen, Heide, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover | Companions: David L. Hullinger | David Mortensen | Gordon Scott Seeger | L. David Smith | Your Occupation: Software Eng. | Spouse: Michelle | Comments: Our home has been blessed with seven kids now, with the oldest just having turned twelve. It gets a bit crazy at times, but I'm not sure who I would give up, so we're keeping them all.
I'm an Amateur Extra class radio operator, and am heavily involved in the community and with the Sheriff's Office. I'm also a Linux nut, but don't get as much time to play as I'd like.
I'm a Primary Teacher, an assistant Stake clerk, the Stake Emergency Communications specialist (go figure), a member of the Ward Emergency Preparedness committee (again, go figure) so I never know if I'm coming or going.
My Sweetie, Michelle, has started selling home-made soap (Acorn & Ivy--she does the soap; I do the web-site) and is having more fun than should be allowed; it's like Christmas every time she gets a new scent. This is also her therapy for being the Primary President, the mother of a small horde, volunteering at the kids' school, etc.
We don't update often, but feel free to stop by our sites to see what we've been up to:
Family: Snyder Family blog
Radio: QST de N7GMT
Soap: Acorn & Ivy Soap |
Created: 20 Feb 2003 Modified: 02 Apr 2009 |
Last Login: 02 Apr 2009 10:15:59 AM |
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