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Elder James Mehner602 S. 400 W. Orem, UT 84058
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Presidents: Warren L. Burton (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1988 - 1990 | Areas Served: MTC-Moss München-Ellis, Vielstich Erlangen-Noker, Brett Miller, Scoffield Ellwangen-Zahn(Ein paar Tage) Ludwigsburg- Clark(Ein paar Tage) Esslingen- Branham, Capener, Dyson Langwasser-Ertel, Bent, Houmeau, Kent Rosengren(Ein Paar Tage) Ulm-Füglistaler, Wells München-Zahn, Spencer Tuttlingen-Müller. | Companions: Andrew P Dyson | Thorsten Michael Zahn | Your Occupation: Software And Hardware Technician | Spouse: Leslie | Comments: I'm not seeing as many of my companions in here as I would like. Come on, let's get with the program here! The mission is supposedly the best two years of one's life, but life has only gotten better since then, wouldn't you all agree? I'd love to hear from any of you out there. Es ist viel zu lange gewesen! Hoffentlich ist alles mit euch wohl. Hoffentlich versteht ihr was ich gesagt habe! Gott sei mit euch! Jim Mehner |
Created: 20 Jun 2002 Modified: 21 Jun 2002 |
Last Login: 10 May 2003 06:25:55 PM |
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