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Elder Jim NielsenFlandernstrasse 40 Esslingen am Neckar, 71101 Germany
Current Address 5509 Lawnsberry Drive Fort Worth, TX 76137
Email Not Available
Presidents: Bruce Lake (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1985 - 1987 | Areas Served: Landshut -- Tom Ashby
Goeppingen -- Frank Moser
Innsburck -- Ernie Skinner, Tawa Jeffries (in Mission Office after appendectomy), Joe Cornell, Paul Woods
Neu Ulm -- Vance Sperry, Gary Wilson
Munich -- Paul Lenhart, Darren Strawn
Esslingen -- Dale Stanford, Gary Facer, Elder Glade & Mitchell Holyoak (zur drit)
Simbach -- Elder Lidiard, Tom Russell | Companions: Glen Morby | Paul Richard Woods | Your Occupation: Risk Analyst | Spouse: Claudia | Comments: Claudia and I are doing great!
She finished her doctoral degree in Pharmacy and now works as a manager for Eckerds Drugs. I finished two Masters degrees instead (Stats and MBA), but still dream of getting a PhD. Maybe some day... Until then, I work as a risk analyst for Citigroup, changing your credit limits at will and charging y'all large late fees! I was working for another company when Citigroup took us over, so who knows how stable my job in Texas may be, and who knows where we might end-up next!
We get back to Germany at least once a year. Both of our boys are dual-nationals. Andrew (9) had to wait for 8 days after being born for his first trip "nach Deutschland," and Alex (7) was actually born in Kreiskrankenhaus Esslingen, just like his mom. We're always on the lookout for job opportunities over there, and who knows, with the large international presence of Citibank, we might end up living there for a while. One can always hope, anyway...
Created: 10 May 2000 Modified: 06 Apr 2001 |
Last Login: 10 May 2003 06:26:05 PM |
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