Sister Kim StoneUniversity Station, Po Box 7240 Provo, UT 84602
Email Not Available
Presidents: Bruce Harper (1990 - 1993) | Grant Wayne Boam (1993 - 1996) |
Served: 1992 - 1993 |
Areas Served: MTC: Rachel Ebert Innsbruck: Elizabeth Feigl Freiburg: Susan Hollingshaus, Rebecca Yeates Erlangen: Jennifer Anderson, Ingrid von Gostomski Munich: Sally Taylor, Amy Lasko, Heather Birrell Ludwigsburg: Lisa Johnston, Christeen Ward, and finally, Sally Taylor (again :) |
Companions: Heather George (Birrell) | Michele Nielson (Woodbury) | Sally Ann Wright (Taylor) |
Your Occupation: Executive Secretary |
Spouse: Scott |
Comments: Please be sure to see the movie 'The Singles Ward.' It's hilarious! |
Created: 21 Sep 1999 Modified: 11 Mar 2002 |
Last Login: 10 May 2003 06:26:18 PM |