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Elder Derek Haynes2613 127th Ave NE Bellevue, Wa 98005
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| | | Presidents: F. Enzio Busche (1978 - 1980) | Charles Perschon (1980 - 1982) | Served: 1979 - 1981 | Language(s) spoken:German | Areas Served:
- Innsbruck - Elders Carroll, Grimmett, Jacobson, Thompson, Braithwait
- Muenchen - Elders Brough, Roemer, Baumgart, Stanger, Trotter, Wilkins, Hill
- Bayreuth - Elders Thompson, Rank
- Rosenheim
| Companions: Dan Bolton | Jonathan Brough | Richard Grimmett | Kent Jacobson | David Roemer | Your Occupation: IT Consultant | Spouse: Ti Bui | Comments: I graduated with a BA degree from BYU in Near Eastern Studies and have an MBA from Seattle University. After working for Microsoft for 13 years doing international product development, I launched my own consulting practice. I am know back at Microsoft in the role of consultant.
I am married with six children, 3 in college, one in high school, and two young ones.
I've traveled quite a bit for work and have had the opportunity to return to Germany several times, each time disappointing myself with how much language I have forgotten. Truly use it or lose it! |
Created: 24 Jan 2000 Modified: 28 Jul 2008 |
Last Login: 08 Aug 2011 11:39:52 PM |
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