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Elder David LindquistÅkerbärsgatan 11 Örebro, Örebro 703 60 Sweden
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Presidents: Warren L. Burton (1987 - 1990) | Served: 1988 - 1990 | Areas Served: Nurnberg, Ingolstadt, Freilassing, Salzburg, Esslingen, Bamberg, Offenburg | Companions: John S. Colton | Jason Cole Heckathorn | Stephen A Kneeland Jr. | Kris A Kutterer | Scott Major | Jared Christian Nelson | Todd Rinn | Todd Gilbert Wangsgard | Your Occupation: Region Manager, Johnson Pump | Spouse: Kristina | Comments: Hello,
I live in Örebro, Sweden, currently working as a Regional Manager for a swedish pump company. I am married to Kristina and we have 4 sons, Samuel 16, Adam 14, Andreas 12 and Jacob 8.
I am serving as a Bishop in Örebro Ward in Sweden.
David |
Created: 16 Apr 2003 Modified: 02 Dec 2007 |
Last Login: 02 Dec 2007 04:29:34 PM |
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