Upon returning home from Germany, President Gardner served for many years as Stake President of the Sevier Stake and, outside of the church, was very active in the purebred Charolais cattle industry, serving as a director of the American International Charolais Association. lBlythe is the only living member of his family of 13 children and although they have some serious health problems, they are both very active and recently completed a mission in San Diego, California. Blythe's passion these days, besides the gospel, is a large garden. Genevieve is still sewing beautiful clothes and quilts for grandchildren and great grandchildren. Their oldest grandchild is nearly 40 and the youngest, a five year old daughter belonging to Marianne, who was the toddler they took to Germany in 1961. The newest of their nine great-grandchildren was born just a month ago. Although the move to Bountiful was a big one at this stage of their lives, they love being here, have made many friends, love their Oakhills ward and the wonderful neighborhood they are in.
Information submitted by Joyce Gardner (daughter) in response to a request from former missionary, Darrell Clegg. I will get a current photo to you very soon. |