Comments: Carol Fetzer Kusterle writes on 11/19/07:
President John K. Fetzer passed away this past July.
On 3/27/00 Elder Brent Chambers writes:
"President Fetzer in still living in SLC. You can find him in the phone book I'm sure. He met with several of the old South German elders last April. He was especially proud of the fact that his company, Fetzers. Inc, was building the cabinets to house the new organ in the new conference center. He and Sister Fetzer were doing quite well at that time and I assume they still are going strong." Also, Elder Pat Stevens writes on 03/27/00:
"John K. Fetzer was the brother of Percy Fetzer, architect of many of the modern temples. Also, one of his missionaries, Mike VanDorn, married one of his daughters." |