Greece Athens

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Elder Geoffrey Vernon Davies

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John Stone (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Kipseli (twice), Ayios Dometios (Nicosia), Paleo Faliro, Kifissia Mission Office
Benjamin James Ellis | Michael Messinger | Robbie Richardson | Richard H.J.J. Sleegers
Your Occupation: Civil/Environmental Engineer
I guess I don't really have an occupation. I finished school, but then I decided to go back and get my Masters Degree. So, I'm actaully still at Georgia Tech. It gives me more time to avoid the real world.
Created: 12 Jul 2003  Modified: 09 Aug 2005
Last Login: 09 Aug 2005 03:07:15 PM

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