Greece Athens

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Elder Robbie Richardson

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John Stone (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2001 - 2003
Areas Served:
Agia Paraskevi, Argyroupolis, Paleo Faliro, Pefki, Basillisis Olgas (Saloniki), Kipseli
Benjamin Adam Cordner | Geoffrey Vernon Davies | Andrew Morrison Harl
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: Jenny La Fevre
Once in a while I have a "sentimental sunday" and let myself get caught up with memories of great times in Greece. Next time this happens to you, drop me an email.. it's good to catch up with old friends.
Created: 08 Aug 2003  Modified: 05 Mar 2006
Last Login: 05 Mar 2006 10:19:59 AM

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