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Peter Robert de Greyt Alumni Photo

Elder Peter Robert de Greyt

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Blaine Tueller (1993 - 1996)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Language(s) spoken:Dutch, English,Greek, French, German
Areas Served:
Pengrati,Marousi,Ano toumba(thess),Nea losia,Peristeri, Glifada
Miguel Castroman | Tim Henry | David Richard Muntinga
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: Rebecca
I am living in Oregon where I attend SOU as a last years business student. my wife Rebecca and I have three childeren Hannah(who past away), Joselijn( 2.5) and Alexander Andreas(1 month).
Created: 08 Feb 2006  Modified: 08 Feb 2006
Last Login: 21 Oct 2006 01:50:22 PM

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