Greece Athens

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Elder Steffen Fabian Löhrmann

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John Ludwig (2003 - 2006) | John Galanos (2006 - 2009)
Served: 2004 - 2006
Language(s) spoken:German, English, Greek
Areas Served:
Άγιοι Ανάργυροι, Συκιές, Πειραίας, Περιστέρι, Σεπόλια, Μαρούσι και Κιφισσιά
Aric Farnsworth | Stefano Gessati | Matthew Thomas Herzog | Craig Andrew Williamson
Your Occupation: Student of psychology
I am currently serving as the first counsellor in the young men's presidency of our ward. About two months ago, I was additionally called as vicepresident of the student council. I pursue my psychological studies in Düsseldorf. Although it is exhausting, I am really content with this topic. I am looking for a new apartment
to decrease my daily travel time. Other than that I am still single and trying to find my mate.
Created: 04 Apr 2008  Modified: 28 Jun 2008
Last Login: 28 Jun 2008 03:02:38 AM

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