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Bryce  Durham Alumni Photo

Elder Bryce Durham

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Memmott (2000 - 2000) | John Stone (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Αμαρούσσι, Άγιος Δημήτριος, Νέο Ψυχικό, Νικαία, Νικοσία, Κύπρος
Nathan Ashfield | Adam Kent Cardwell | Benjamin James Ellis | Noah Emanuel Froemling (Schulz) | Jason Paul Jensen | Joseph Marshall | Tim Peel | Scott D Pugmire | Rick D Salmon
Your Occupation: Software Engineer @ Phoenix Integration, affiliated with Virginia Tech
Spouse: Elicia
We moved to Virginia earlier this year to start a new adventure. We are expecting our third son just after Labor Day.
Created: 14 Jun 2002  Modified: 29 Aug 2010
Last Login: 29 Aug 2010 09:20:12 AM

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