Comments: My brother Andrew is now in his seventh month of serving in OUR mission! He's somewhere in the coast now.
Ya, some brother I am, don't even know exactly where he is, but I have an excuse, I've been, and still am, in Afghanistan for the past four months! It has been rewarding for me to be out here serving my country, working with some of the best people I've ever met, and also some of the worst. I can't begin to explain all I've seen and done already. I've seen both the loving charity of man and the very ruthless jaws of hell in these four months.
Church in a deployed location is quite the experience, blessing sacrament with a comrade both armed to the teeth with guns, boot knives, and a vest, but the spirit is still there, and in some circumstances, stronger than ever!
My prayer to you all this 4th of July and thereafter is that you find a serviceman and thank him, be a little more patriotic, and thank God for our great nation, and great men and woman who defend her, whom I'm honored to serve with. |