News Item: GuaNew Xela Temple and Prayers for the Border
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I got an e-mail from Yancy Segovia from El Salvador this morning (Guat Central Ex Missionary). She asked that we join our prayers with the other Central American saints. In the past month or so there have been several assinations of political parlimentary leaders and police officers in Guatemala. Much of the corruption is coming to light and violent/political unrest is at a heightened state. (Google guatemala, el salvador and you'll find several articles in relation to the current and recent situations) Due to the current unrest, El Salvador has closed it's borders to Guatemala, and the saints in El Salvador are no longer able to visit the temple in Guatemala. They are praying for a peaceful resolution, and ask that we join them as well. Also - the March 2007 Ensign said that President Hinckley announced a new temple to be built in Quetzaltenango (Xela).
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