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Sister Deanna LeiserRexburg, Idaho 83440
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Presidents: Andres R. Ramos (1994 - 1996) | Alan J. Parry (1996 - 1999) | Served: 1996 - 1997 | Areas Served: La Laguna, Santa Elena Petén, San Pedro Belize, Carcha, Quintanal | Companions: Katie Christensen (Bingham) | Shari Dawn Gordon (Cox) | Mary Knapp | Comments: I did it - I actually left California and the ocean! Who knew? I recently moved to Rexburg, ID. I seem to have traded earthquakes and sunshine for summer rainstorms and winter snow. It should be interesting. The closest thing to an ocean here are the sand dunes that show up in the middle of nowhere. I work in the Registar's Office at BYU-Idaho creating class schedules and helping students with registration problems. I love it. The job is very challenging, but I couldn't ask for a better work environment. |
Created: 12 Feb 1999 Modified: 17 Aug 2005 |
Last Login: 17 Aug 2005 07:41:02 PM |
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