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Elder Pete Nebeker Informations du contact cachée - Login
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Présidents: David Sjodahl King (1986 - 1989) | Clair W. Andrus (1989 - 1991) | Servi: 1989 - 1991 | Quartiers de service: MTC - Anderton & Hankin
Bizoton/Thor - Galbraith, Perrault
Delmas 19 - Laguerre, Hall
Delmas 33 - Schmitz
Petionville - Kaluhiokalani, Arnold
Les Cayes - Johnson, Olsen
Central - Jochetz | Compagnons/compagnes: Matt Brady | H. Tracy Hall | Blair Hankin | Chris Jochetz | Steven M. Johnson | Kekoa Kaluhiokalani | Dan Olsen | Dale Perreault | Barton H. Schmitz | Votre occupation: Seating Renovation and Installation | Époux/épouse: Stefanie | Commentaires: Hello, everyone. By way of catching up, I came to BYU after I returned home, met my wife, Stefanie- and stayed in Utah. We live in American Fork within a mile or two of Dave Peterson, Craig Nelson, Lionel Longson, and the Mt Timpanogos Temple. Stef and I have six children- Trevor (13), Tanner (11), McKenzie (8), Chandler (7), Connor (3), and Gage (1).
I still fondly remember my experiences in Haiti. The spiritual growth that occured in Haiti has changed me forever. I want to thank all of my terrific companions that helped me lose my pride (well most of it). I was one of the coup d'etat victims that were sent state-side. I served my final six weeks in Ft. Lauderdale, FL English Speaking. |
Créé: 01 Oct 2006 Modifié: 03 Oct 2006 |
Dernier login: 23 Jan 2010 11:59:34 PM |
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