Alright! I think I've got the hang of some better XML stylesheets. Hope this works. Might as well pick up some formatting skills while I keep everyone up to date with some news every once in a while.
I'm still waiting on the scholarship. I don't find out until March. In the mean time, I've started applying for Grad Schools. BYU is among the list, but there's extra stuff to complete in order to apply for school in another country. Anybody have any experiences taking a basic Calculus class there? I'll probably end up teaching one of those classes if things pan out by next September. NSERC doesn't really fund students for research outside of Canada, so we'll see.
The backup plan is just to go to school at UVic or SFU, both in province. Any of the schools would be great, and there's always another chance to do a PhD at BYU if I ever decide to take it that far.
Weather got a lot colder up here this past week, and now everything is staticky and dry... yuck.
One of the Seventy, the one from Alaska, came and talked to the YSA here back in October. They established the new multi stake YSA committee for monthly events involving about eight stakes. They said it was a church wide program now? Pretty snazzy.
Well, this is the last semester before I'm done with a Bachelor's and on to new horizons, so it'll probably be another three months before I post anything new again. Hope everyone's Christmas went well, and take care!