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Sister April Renee Christofferson (Price) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Stephen Walter Lundgreen (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2002 - 2002 | Areas Served: Burlington, Iowa | Companions: Jennifer Lyn George | Rachel Izu (Ahlborn) | Jordan Richards (Samsonite) | Your Occupation: Stay at home Mom | Spouse: Jacob | Comments: My mission was short, but it was amazing! I was only able to serve for a short time. My trainer and I were driving down one of those great country roads in Iowa and hit another car as they ran a stop sign. The damage to the vehicles was minimal, but the pain in my neck was pretty bad. I saw a doctor back there and a chiropracter too. We couldn't figure out why the pain wouldn't go away. After I had been home for a while and had further x-rays done I found out that I had broken my collar bone. Once the break had healed it showed up in x-rays. I try not to tell the Lord what or how to do things, but that was a pretty severe way to tell me to go home. Everyone always says that their mission was for them and it's so true. I learned about faith in the Lords time and will. I came home from my mission, and began physical thereapy. Before I knew it I was serving in my singles ward as the Relief Society President. It was so great to serve the sisters in my area. It amazes me that the Lord calls you where he needs you. I'm so grateful for that testimony. It's been great keeping in touch with all the friends I made while on my mission.
I met my husband in 2005. He was a new convert with an 18 month old little boy. I fell in love with both of them and we married in June. I quit my job as a store manager and chose to be at home with my son Cody. We were sealed a year and one day later in the Seattle, Wa Temple. We bought a house in Marysville Washington and tore out all the walls. It's been a lot of fun and a few headaches putting it all together the way we wanted it. The project started as a flip but we decided we liked how the house turned out and we are going to stay until we outgrow the house. I am currently serving in my ward as the assistant Webelos leader. I never knew how crazy a group of 10 year olds can be. |
Created: 12 Sep 2004 Modified: 10 Feb 2007 |
Last Login: 10 Feb 2007 06:02:05 AM |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."