News Item: Sister Leona Udall has passed away
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7/22/08 Sister Udall passed away yesterday. The funeral will be held this Saturday. I will post more once I get details. Mark Hancock has kindly offered to act as a contact for anyone who wishes to attend. He lives near Phoenix and can be reached at mark@titanvalley.com or Direct #480-797-7591 (work number).
from Marcie Gordon <mgoo2006@hotmail.com> Jul 21, 2008 11:25 PM Mom passed away this evening at 7:20. She was only unresponsive for one day. Sunday night she shooed us away when we tried to help her with anything. This morning, however, she never did really wake up. Her passing was amazing. All of her family that was here had gathered to give Dad a blessing. As we were singing "There is Beauty All Around", we realized that she was slipping away. It was very peaceful and relieving. She is not suffering any more and that is what we have been praying for. Thank you for your involvement in her life. She was a great woman and all who knew her loved her. The funeral will probably be Saturday morning, but I will let you know for sure tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers and love. Marcie
We had a lovely reunion October 5, 2007. The Udalls were able to come up from Arizona.
We recently learned of Sister Udall's illness.
Jann Cahoon 801-979-2674 jann.cahoon@gmail.com
I'll include a recently email from her granddaughter. If you can, please send an email, letter or phone call to wish her well.
Hi, I'm the Udall's granddaughter. Grandma would like to be in touch with missionaries that served with them in Peoria. I think by now some of you have heard about her lung cancer. She has had a feeding tube for several weeks and has lost lots of weight. There's no more treatment to be done. She would love a phone call or letter or email to lift her spirits. Please pass the word on to anyone that served with them. You can send emails to my aunt and she will print them for my grandparents. Her email is mgoo2006@hotmail.com You can also write to them at 3331 Church Street in Thatcher, AZ 85552. Phone is 928-348-4982.
Thanks for your help!
Jill Stoddard
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."