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Elder Karl Ellis Hermann Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert E. Floto (1992 - 1995) | Served: 1993 - 1995 | Companions: Richard D. Bennett | Samuel Lane Gray | Adam Trent Mauchley | Samual Jacob Sharp | Your Occupation: Technician, Teacher | Spouse: Jennifer (Lunt) | Comments: Hi everybody! I got married in March 2000, no kids yet (or on the way!) I am STILL going to school to get my 4 year degree (which will end up taking about 8 yrs--not bad with working full time). I am majoring in music education. I met my wife in a music theory class--she is a wonderful singer. I am still very much into drums, especially drumset and rudimental snare drumming. I work right now as a technician, working on RF electronics (transmitters, receivers and such). I really enjoy the job. I am currently the CTR5b primary teacher in my ward, and I love it! |
Created: 09 May 2001 Modified: 09 May 2001 |
Last Login: 09 May 2001 08:24:41 PM |
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